Obtaining Security Clearances. How to Apply for Security Clearance

Government Security Clearance Guidelines

There are many reasons for which a person’s Clearance application may be denied, but oftentimes the denial is a result of issues involving:

  • Questionable Allegiance to the U.S.
  • Foreign influence or preference
  • Alcohol consumption or drug involvement
  • Emotional, mental, and personality disorders
  • Personal conduct
  • Misuse of information technology systems
  • Criminal conduct
  • Finances
  • Security violations

Obtaining Security Clearances

Edmunds Law Firm can help applicants with the process of obtaining any type of security clearance. Having helped hundreds of individuals across the country obtain or retain their security clearance, the Edmunds Law Firm has extensive experience and knowledge in all process stages. If you are seeking a discharge upgrade, it is imperative that you select the proper military discharge upgrade lawyer. Successful discharge upgrades rarely occur without the guidance of a trained lawyer.

The Security Clearance Process

When a person is applying for a job that requires a government security clearance or other type of security clearance, he or she will be required to:

  • Complete a number of forms
  • Provide required personal information
  • Be fingerprinted
  • Agree to a very thorough investigation of his or her past and present life
  • Undergo one or more interviews
  • Possible polygraph (lie detector) test
  • Agree to interviews of many of your acquaintances and people close to you
  • The SF-86 Security Clearance Questionnaire

SF-86 Security Clearance Questionnaire

The primary form to be completed is the standard form 86 – Questionnaire for National Security Positions, or SF-86 security clearance questionnaire. You can get an idea of all the information that is required of an applicant by viewing this nearly 20-page form at the website of the GSA Forms Library.

OPM has security clearance applicants complete the SF-86 online. The OPM’s system for this process is called the “e-QIP” (Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing). Applicants can only access the e-QIP system if they have been invited to do so by an appropriate official at their sponsoring agency. Individuals cannot pre-apply for a security clearance, nor update their security questionnaire unless granted access by an appropriate agency official.

Security Clearance Attorneys Can Help

It’s not unusual for a security clearance applicant to be concerned about some of the questions on the SF-86. If you are unsure whether you should reveal some of the information, contacting an experienced security clearance lawyer is a good idea. A discharge upgrade lawyer from Edmunds Law Firm has the experience required to guide you through the security clearance process.

For those who need security clearance for a federal position, it’s not uncommon to face an MSPB appeal before the MSPB decision is made. If you have any questions or concerns regarding MSPB decisions, our team of attorneys is here to assist you.

If an OPM agent finds what s/he considers an inconsistency, incorrect or false information in your SF-86 or other documents regarding your application, you may be contacted by the OPM and given a chance to clarify the matter. In other cases, the OPM will issue a “Statement of Reasons” describing the one or more reasons that the OPM is denying you a security clearance. At that point, it is in your best interest to contact a lawyer.

In some cases, it’s appropriate and necessary to request a hearing before an Administrative Judge. This hearing is conducted to give the applicant a chance to argue against the security clearance denial. Legal representation in this hearing will make a critical difference. If the judge turns an applicant down at the hearing stage, the decision can be appealed.

For more information about applying for a security clearance, contact a security clearance attorney for a free initial consultation. Call: 800.481.2526

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