Alan EdmundsAttorney Alan Edmunds has represented clients who have dual citizenship in hundreds of Hearings under both DoD 5220.6 and ICPG 704.2 . You would think that the standards are the same but when you look at the Reg’s – the language is different.

Known as one of “The Best Security Clearance Lawyers“, in the country, Attorney Alan Edmunds makes no secret that he thrives in the courtroom. ICPG 704.2 states, ” Being a U.S. citizen and a citizen of another country in not prohibited or disqualifying absent a showing of heightened risks related to national security.” The same language does not appear in DoD 5220.6 .

And what if the country involved is an ally to the United States. Does this create a security concern. How about England and France, could that result in a denial of a security clearance? The answer according to Attorney Edmunds is both yes and no! The extent of involvement in the foreign country becomes very important.  This is where Alan Edmunds and the staff of The Edmunds Law Firm excel. These cases of dual citizenship can be won – but it takes experience and courtroom skills to make that happen. The loss of a Clearance is reported to JPAS and usually means the immediate termination of employment. Call the “Security Clearance Lawyer“, – call Attorney Alan Edmunds and see how experience makes the difference. Visit us at one of our web sites, and review our cases.
